Sex / Making Love / Doing It Whilst Pregnant
It's common to feel apprehensive around sex and sexual intercourse in pregnancy, it's also common to feel sexier / have a higher libido when pregnant. Your partner could share your feelings, or they may differ. Sex is often left out of traditional antenatal classes, I believe it's due to a coyness surrounding the matter, you've no reason to feel shy around the subject with me and if it is concerning you, or you would just like to know more and bust some myths.
1). Is it safe to have sex in pregnancy?
The short answer is yes. Your baby is safely in your uterus and protected by a closed cervix, mucus plug and the length and adaptive nature of your vagina. There is no chance of a partner's penis or a sex toy from "hitting" the babies head. There are some instances when sexual intercourse may be advised against, for example; a history of multiple miscarriages and/or preterm labours, previous procedures carried out on the cervix, you can consult your Midwife/Doctor to discuss your history.
2). I don't feel in the mood, is this normal?
Completely. Pregnancy can be tiring for the body, especially in addition to a job, having previous children and the rest of life demands. It is NOT surprising that sex is the last on the agenda, particularly if it's timing is placed at the end of the day when energies are low. Aside from feeling tired, hormones, and general anxieties surrounding the pregnancy can lead to a low libido. It's important to note that the physical change can affect self esteem and image, which is directly connected to how sexy we feel. Take time to accept, understand and love your ever-changing body. Repeat positive daily affirmations about your body, if you find you're saying negative ones.
3). I feel like having sex all the time! Is this normal?
Yes! Hormonal changes and extra blood flow to your sexual organs in pregnancy can make you feel very much in the mood. You may find that you're 'wetter' than usual also. Having sex or sexual intercourse when pregnant is great for bonding, feeling safe and loved = oxytocin love drug. Having an orgasm is also great for the increased blood flow to the uterus and it's reported that having an orgasm/"coming" can cause bigger orgasms that can lead to cramping after. This is normal and it can't cause labour, but may set off non-labour womb contractions a.k.a Braxton Hicks.
Whether you are in the mood or not, keep communication with partner open so that the topic doesn't feel off limits to discuss.
4). Can I use sex toys?
Why not? Sex toys such as vibrators or dildos can provide sexual stimulation for both partners, they are particularly advantageous when certain positions are physically difficult to adopt in pregnancy. Don't forget massages, shared baths/showers can provide intimacy and increase oxytocin production, especially if watching a stimulating film or movie.
5). What sexual positions are best when pregnant?
To be honest this depends on what you feel comfortable with. Everyone has different anatomy and since pregnancy is constantly changing the body, what worked at 14 weeks, may not work at 40 weeks.
Sexual positions and suggestions
From Behind a.k.a.Doggy Style, this avoids direct weight on the pregnant tummy like when in Missionary position.
On Top, meaning you have more control over the depth and rhythm of penetration and your tummy isn't experiencing pressure.
Side By Side, this is sexual intercourse whilst on your side. An intimate and more relaxed style of sex as both partners are lying.
Oral Sex, and stroking are also alternatives to penetrative sex. This can be satisfying to both partners.
Edge of Bed, is when your partner is kneeling/standing on floor and you are on the edge of bed and lying down. It allows the face to face intimacy, but the pregnant tummy is not impeded upon, use a pillow to avoid lying too flat which can often leave the pregnant person feeling faint.
Masturbation - pleasuring yourself in the company of your partner, or even over the phone.
6). Last point ...
Your body is designed to keep you and baby safe whilst enjoying sexual activities. Pregnancy, however, does not protect against sexually transmitted infections/STIs, use a condom if you have any queries or concerns and you can ALWAYS request a test and/or swab if you're worried during your pregnancy (ask your Midwife).